FAB24 Mexico

Propose content

We are so excited to see you here! Every year, we open this platform as a way for you to showcase your latest work to the community in various formats. Propose an activity to be presented between the 3rd and 9th of August

If you already know the drill, go ahead and fill in the form below!
Call for applications ends May 15th

NEW to this experience? Please read the following carefully to understand the various format types for which you can propose content.

*Some categories have applications outside of this platform

  • Research Papers: We invite original scholarly writing from researchers studying the Fab Lab movement, its ambitions and its impact from a wide range of disciplines, including computer science, engineering, science and technology studies, business and management, media and design, education, urban studies, and more. *Submit your abstract here before April 30th
  • Theoretical Workshop: As a producer, you have the chance to propose a topic of interest that addresses a challenge faced by the community. Theoretical workshops are designed to encourage participants to share their ideas, experiences, and knowledge, in order to generate new perspectives and innovative solutions. By producing a theoretical workshop, you have the opportunity to create a space for exchanging ideas and connecting with like-minded individuals in the community.
  • Working Groups: Lead a space for projects that involve numerous people within the community—from learning programs under the Academany ecosystem to networks and projects. This is a chance to meet in person and discuss the roadmap for the coming year. The goal of these groups is to encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration and knowledge-sharing among participants with different backgrounds and expertise.
  • Hands-on Workshop: You will have the opportunity to lead an interactive session where participants can learn by doing. You will be responsible for developing the content and structure of the workshop, and we will provide any necessary materials or equipment for participants. This is a chance to share your knowledge and skills with a diverse community of makers and innovators from around the world. Get ready to inspire and empower others to learn and create!
  • 5min Talk (Fab Blast): Have a unique perspective, experience, or knowledge? Share it with the community, and create future connections to explore your chosen topic further. Your proposal should be clear and concise, while explaining the value of your talk to the conference attendees.
  • ARTeFAB: Mixes sculpture, craft, interactive installations, fashion, wearables, and crazy inventions in an art exhibition about the current state of digital fabrication. Send us your creations to participate in the international showcase.
    • Beyond Fashion: participants from all over the world will have the opportunity to take part in a unique eco-futuristic fashion show that goes beyond the norms of production and consumption. Are you ready for the future of clothing in a world where we digitally design, fabricate, and grow our garments? This runway welcomes participants of all ethnicities, genders, and ages. *Learn more, and apply here

We encourage you to align your proposal with this year's theme: “Fabicating Equity.” And consider how your content can address the international and local needs of the Mexican community.

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of an unforgettable event and make an impact. Submit your proposal today, and join us for an inspiring and innovative experience.

If you are submitting a Hands-on workshop, note that the material list selection will be sent once the workshop is approved
Material List Send after approval

Application form

Small description used on your speaker view page

A small portrait used on the website speakers page

What shall we call your talk/workshop etc when displayed on the schedule webpage

Write a short description that descriptes to attendess your presentation/workshop etc

Presentation type

Please tell us about what you would like to present